Open data

This website makes its information assets available by sharing data in an open format.
This data can be freely reused under the terms of the IODL 2.0 license.

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Source: Ministry of Environment and Energy Security - General Directorate for Infrastructure and Security.

Fuel prices


  • The file Excel CSV uses the character ';' (semicolon) as a delimiter and as decimal separator the character '.' (dot).
  • Weekly prices are from 2005 to the present.
  • Monthly prices are from 1996 to the present.
  • Monthly prices of LPG are from June 1997 to the present.
  • Monthly prices for automotive natural gas are available from December 2023 to the present.
  • The price is multiplied by a factor of 1000 to have greater accuracy on decimals.
  • For fuels, Euro-Super 95 and Automotive gas oil, only the self-service prices are taken into consideration.
  • For fuel oil > 1%S the survey is carried out without VAT.
  • The price of the LPG product is valid only for the automotive sector.
  • The excise duty on automotive LPG is published in liters while in the Official Gazette it is given in kg: the conversion value used is 0.55 (Ministry of Finance - 15/01/1999).
  • The excise duty on automotive Natural Gas is published in kg while in the Official Gazette it is given in cubic meters: the conversion value used is 0.71 (source SNAM).
  • Weekly fuel prices
    (Euro-Super 95, Automotive gas oil, LPG, Methane, LNG, Heating gas oil, Residual fuel oil, Heavy fuel oil)
  • Weekly fuel prices (without taxes)
    (Euro-Super 95, Automotive gas oil, LPG, Methane, LNG, Heating gas oil, Residual fuel oil, Heavy fuel oil)
  • Weekly changes of fuel prices
    (Euro-Super 95, Automotive gas oil, LPG, Methane, LNG, Heating gas oil, Residual fuel oil, Heavy fuel oil)
  • Weekly fuel prices (all data)
    (Euro-Super 95, Automotive gas oil, LPG, Methane, LNG, Heating gas oil, Residual fuel oil, Heavy fuel oil)
  • Monthly prices: Euro-Super 95
  • Monthly prices: Automotive gas oil
  • Monthly prices: LPG
  • Monthly prices: Methane
  • Monthly prices: LNG
  • Monthly prices: Heating gas oil
  • Monthly prices: Residual fuel oil
  • Monthly prices: Heavy fuel oil
  • Monthly fuel prices (all data, including quarterly and yearly)
    (Euro-Super 95, Automotive gas oil, LPG, Methane, LNG, Heating gas oil, Residual fuel oil, Heavy fuel oil)

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